
Showing posts with label funny movie quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label funny movie quotes. Show all posts

Thursday, October 3, 2013

We salute pathans

Quotes of Mind…
1. Russian General in 1987, Pathans are the most brave people ever born on the earth.
these people cant be defeated by force.
2. By American General in 2004,
we are fighting a meaning less war against the Rocks.
3. By indian General in Siachin War,
If there were no NWFP province in pakistan.
I am sure that atleast Kashmir was 0urs
*Dont send ONLY bad msgs in name of pathanz.
We salute pathans.
B united , We r all Pakistani.

Shoot for the moon

Shoot for the moon… cause even if you miss you will end up in the stars – Les Brown.