
Showing posts with label Birthday picture sms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birthday picture sms. Show all posts

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Happy Birthday my love

Happy Birthday to the one who is very close to me, close to my heart
Happy Birthday my love

Happy Birthday Buddy

Messages which me sends you is free from all types of fats, cholesterol and all other important nutrients, yeah but it contains natural Sugar making your birthday sooooo sweet.
Happy Birthday Buddy

On you special day

1. On you special day, I’d like to wish you and say ‘Happy Birthday!
2. This is your special day; I hope you enjoy it to the fullest! Loves and hugs.
3. Your birthday marks the end of another year of us being together and the start of many others to come. Loves
4. May all your dreams come true, for when they’d do, I’d be with you!
5. My love for you will never cease and you’ll always be the one for me. Happy Birthday
6. Our anniversary and your birthday falling on the same day doubles my joy. Happy Birthday.
7. Somebody up there cares for you, somebody down here loves you. Happy Birthday.
8. Your birthday is an event to celebrate togetherness. Cheers!

I will take the last human blessing

I?m lost in the middle of my birthday.
I want my friends, their touch, with the earth?s last love.
I will take life?s final offering,
I will take the last human blessing.?

Happy Birthday Angel

May this day bring countless happiness
endless joy
live with peace
Happy Birthday Angel

Happy Birthday…and all days beyond

Heres wishing you the most happy day
Perfect and magical in every way
For you our love and biggest kiss
This day we surely would not miss
With one wave of your magic wand
Happy Birthday…and all days beyond…

You’re a whole year older now

For a Cool Kid!
It’s birthday time again, and WOW!
You’re a whole year older now!
So clown around and have some fun
To make this birthday your best one!


Wish you a many many happy
returns of the day.
May God bless you with health,
wealth and prosperity in your

You have inspired the Best in me

I have grown up with..
the wisdom of your words,
the cheerfulness of your laughter,
the strength of your mind
the warmth of your Love…
Thank you for all that you’ve been
You have inspired the Best in me!
Happy Birthday!