
Showing posts with label lovely sms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lovely sms. Show all posts

Friday, October 11, 2013

An empty street

An empty street. An empty house. A hole inside my heart.
I’m all alone .the roms r geting smaler. . .
i wndr how. I wndr why. I wndr where they r? .
The day.s we had. .
The son we sang togthr. .oh yeh.
And oh my love. . We’ re holding on forevr. . .
reachng for the love that seem.s so far. . .
so i say a littl pryr,and hope my dream.s wil tke me ther.
where the skie.s r see u once again my love..
Overseas from coast to coast. .
to find the place i love tho most.
Where the fieldz r gren.
To se u once again my love